In chapter 28 an eye-witness misinterprets Adam and co.For all Adam's claimed disdain of Shadowrun on Ilium, he takes to 'running for real like a fish to water in Dosadi.

As it turns out, Ignus has caught onto the semblance himself - the founder of CAT6 in MEHR was former Deep Eyes. Then for even more hilarity, CAT6 shows up itself. then Bioware introduced the CAT6 mercenaries who look suspiciously similar, including the glowing blue helmet optics. The Deep Eyes from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within were made characters in this fic.In chapter 50 we learn that the person he was talking to is a Snatcher. In chapter 47, Adam expresses his concern that the new Executor will replace all C-SEC personnel with robots.Scholar telling Jules Leng that the latter's "incentive" to go after Adam is "not erasing your whole fucking life" in chapter 31 was douchey enough, but come chapter 36 and The Reveal that Scholar had already erased someone's life in order to make way for "Jules".It seems like Udina is trying to be nice in his own patronizing, dickish way, but a later chapter reveals that Udina plans to have Jensen arrested and handed over to the Order Church the next time he's in Alliance space. At one point, Udina tells Jensen that there's a chance he might be able to get him allowed back on earth.When we get to see a Husk-ified Bren's genitals turn into a prehensile stalk, complete with eyes? Not hilarious. Mjrn grossing Wrex out talking about Roegadyn reproduction? Hilarious.I dunno, rats?" Sounds like a lame joke at first, but in chapter 37 Adam encounters a rat that mutates into a Body Horror monster. In chapter 35, Kasumi says that "it could be worse.Others think the story has reached Reference Overdosed levels and the use of all these alien elements just makes things unnecessarily convoluted. Some readers love how the fic has transcended merely being a "pure" Deus Ex/ Mass Effect crossover to incorporate Captain Ersatzes and Expies if not outright using wholesale characters and elements from other works, making the universe's lore richer and more complex for it.Whenever an Interlude hits, reviewers will usually be divided between enjoying the new perspective and wanting to get back to the main plot.The more fantastic tone started by the Caleston arc and the Pro(me)theans has inspired some vigorous disagreement on whether the fic is ruined.Is he plain awesome or just a Creator's Pet?